Ascension Grappling championships

PRICES & Dates

Early Bird
$80 - 1 Division until February 22nd, 2023
$105 - 2 Divisions until February 22nd, 2023

Pre Registration
$100 - 1 Division until March 15th, 2023
$125 - 2 Divisions until March 15th, 2023

Late Registration
$120 - 1 Division until March 28th, 2023
$145 - 2 Divisions until March 28th, 2023

+$25 - Absolute until March 28th, 2023

Athlete Correction Deadline
March 29th, 2023 - 5:00pm



Chelsea Piers, One Blachley Road, Stamford, CT, 06902


Coach & Team Pay

$200 pay to any team with 15 competitors or more

$400 pay to any team with 30 competitors or more

$600 pay to any team with 45 competitors or more

AGC: Storm

April 1st, 2023

Chelsea Piers, One Blachley Road, Stamford, CT, 06902

Doors Open at 7:30am

Weigh-ins Begin at 7:30am and run until an hour before the last division

Kid's & Teen's Start at 9:00am

Adult's Start at 12:00pm (Tentative start time. Always check you division the day before).


  • Registrations are done through Smoothcomp. AGC reserves the right to close registrations due to maximum capacity limitations or to preserve tournament flow.

  • AGC reserves the right to close registration when we reach full capacity, or on the day of the appointed event registration deadline, whichever comes first.

  • Absolute Division Registration done online during original registration.

Refund Policy

  • There are no refunds after final purchase. However, athletes can have a credit transferred to their next AGC event. Please email:

  • AGC cannot guarantee the athletes will show up for the tournament. However, if divisions cannot be combined or opponents can’t be matched up, credit will be given to next tournament.

Competition Day - Show up Time and Weigh-in

  • It is the responsibility of the athlete to be knowledgeable of the rules and guidelines pertaining to the sport (as outlined in the Rules Section).

  • It is mandatory to have an official government photo ID during weigh-ins.

  • Refer to the schedule link in order to know when you should be at the event ready to compete and inside the bullpen.

  • Athletes must check-in and weigh-in least 60 minutes before your scheduled division start time. To facilitate smooth tournaments, incase of early brackets, we request athletes be in the facility, dressed, and ready compete 60 minutes before their match.

  • The division start time posted in the event’s schedule is an estimated start time only. The division start time can vary throughout the event day, due to several factors that are beyond our control.

  • The official weight measurements of this event is in POUNDS.

  • There will be a 1 pound allowance.

  • If an athlete does not make weight on his first attempt, he/she has until 30 minutes before their division to make weight. During that period, you are allowed 1 weight check before your final weigh in.

  • Athletes who fail to make weight before 30 minutes before the first match in their division will be disqualified. Bumping up due to missed weight is not permitted. Athletes who are disqualified will not be eligible for a refund. It is the athlete’s responsibility to make the weight class they signed up for or have changed to a higher weight class by that event’s “change deadline.”

  • All competitors competing in Gi divisions weigh-in WITHOUT their Gi on.

  • An athlete who competes in both their Gi and NoGi divisions only has to weigh-in once.

  • Be advised the athletes will be disqualified in their division if they weigh in heavier than the weight listed for the division they registered in.

Athletes Under 18 Years Old

  • Athletes 18 years old or younger, which have previously worn a belt from a belt rank that does not exist for their current age range, according to the IBJJF Graduation System, will only be allowed to compete in a belt rank that matches that athlete's current age group.

Coaching Area

  • Chairs to both sides of the mat side table.

  • Only 2 coaches per school will be given coaches wrist bands

Athlete Alone in the Division

  • Posted below are the three options for single-bracket competitors. Single-bracket competitors must inform AGC via email which option they choose by the 5 PM (event local time) on the event's “Athlete Correction Deadline”

  • In the case that the division becomes populated with additional athletes during the Registration Checkday period, these options will no longer apply and the athlete will remain in the original division.


  • Athletes may stay in their current weight class, make weight, and receive the 1st place medal for the division.Please note: Option #1 is the default option if athletes do not respond to by 5 PM (event local time) before the” Athlete Correction Deadline”.

OPTION #2 (Log in to your Smoothcomp account to switch divisions)

  • Move up or down in age and/or weight division.

  • Adults: Can move up a weight class. Master 1 & Master 2 may drop down a division. However, you can only move up from Adult or Master 1 if you’re eligible by age requirements listed Athletes can move up in skill division/belt division. Athletes cannot move down in skill or belt division unless they are moving back down to their actual rank. For example, athlete registers for Purple Belt but no one is in the division, but they are a Blue Belt. They move back down to Blue Belt.

  • Kid’s & Teen’s: Parent’s will have to make/approve changes. AGC has the right to deny certain changes if Age, Weight, or Skill discrepancies are too significant. If changes cannot be made, athletes will receive a credit to the next event.

If an athlete only has one match and the opponent does not show up or decides not to compete on the day of the event, the athlete will still receive their medal and will receive a credit to the next competition. 

Switching Divisions

  • Competitors/Coaches/Parents have until 5 PM on the “Athlete Correction Deadline” to change divisions.

Medals and Trophy

  • Athletes who place in 1st, 2nd and 3rd in their division will receive a medal at the event.

  • All the medals should be picked up at the event's podium. AGC does not mail out unclaimed or lost medals after the tournaments.

  • Tournament winners will receive bracket for divisions of 8 competitors or more. AGC does not mail out unclaimed or lost brackets after the tournaments.